Self-care yoga

Six Reasons to Stop Calling Self-Care “Antiaging”

This morning, while tuned in to one of my favorite podcasts, the host (whom I won't mention) shared insightful tips on enhancing one's life, like she always does. Her candidness about past mistakes and valuable business advice always resonates with me.

However, during today's episode, she mentioned something that caught me off guard. As she discussed her health journey (she's in her late forties), she emphasized her focus on “ANTI-aging.”

When I heard her say "anti-aging," I was taken aback. Every time she repeated the phrase, it hit me like a punch to the gut. I thought this was worth digging into. Why do we label self-care "anti" aging? Aging is inevitable, so why not make the most of it?


Antiaging supplements for self-care

As we grow older, we can all see the various ways women approach aging. Some women look better than ever, some throw in the towel, while others fight aging with all they've got. Just look at some of the aging celebrities with their tortured faces, and you can see the effects of anti-aging pressure. Let's reject the idea of stopping aging altogether and embrace a different perspective.

Below are the six reasons why we should not label self-care as antiaging.

Key Takeaways:

1) Why can't we talk about self-care without calling it “ANTI-aging?”

Self-care is a vital component of overall well-being that transcends age boundaries. It is about nurturing and prioritizing our physical, mental, and emotional health regardless of our stage in life. As we grow older, our self-care routines should evolve to meet our changing needs.

But it is not antiaging. It is aging beautifully.

Perhaps, for example, focusing more on strength training and protein intake while rather than cardio and calorie counting. This adaptation is not about defying aging but rather embracing the journey and taking care of ourselves in a way that suits our current lifestyle and goals.

Healthy food for self-care

There’s nothing wrong with that. So why call it antiaging? Isn't it supporting the changes in our bodies? Isn't it just the next adjustment in our self-care journey? So, let's celebrate self-care in all its forms, recognizing that it is a timeless practice that enriches our lives at every age.

2) Aging isn't bad.

Aging is a natural part of life and something that should be celebrated rather than feared. It's essential to recognize that aging isn't inherently wrong or negative. It's simply a transition from one stage of life to another. By shifting our mindset and perspective, we can embrace the beauty and wisdom that comes with age. Aging allows us to grow, learn, and evolve as individuals. It's a journey that should be embraced and cherished.

Think about it. What’s the alternative? Aging is our only option, so why not make the most of it? Each wrinkle and gray hair tells a story of your life, the challenges you’ve overcome, and the moments of joy and triumph. You have so much to be grateful for: each year, each experience, wisdom, and the freedom that comes with age. It’s a fair tradeoff, don't you think?

3) Aging is a fantastic gift. We gain wisdom, insight, and awareness.

As we age, we gain valuable life experiences that shape who we are. Each passing year brings a wealth of wisdom, insight, and awareness. We learn from our mistakes, develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and others, and gain a broader perspective on life.

Aging allows us to reflect on our lives, appreciate our journey, and make more informed choices for our future. It's a gift that enables us to continuously grow and evolve as women.

Affirmations for self-care

Wise Woman Affirmation Card Deck.

It also allows us to prioritize what truly matters to us and let go of what no longer serves us. With age comes a sense of liberation from societal expectations and pressures, allowing us to embrace our authentic selves fully. We become more comfortable in our skin, confident in our decisions, and unapologetic about who we are.

Furthermore, aging enables us to cultivate deeper connections with those around us, fostering meaningful relationships built on understanding, empathy, and shared experiences. We become better listeners, more compassionate individuals, and sources of support and wisdom for others.

Embracing the aging process with grace and gratitude opens doors to a life filled with richness, contentment, and fulfillment. It is a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance, where we learn to celebrate our uniqueness and cherish the beauty of growing older.

4) By embracing aging, we can look and feel our best.

Embracing aging doesn't mean neglecting our physical well-being. In fact, by taking a holistic approach to self-care, we can look and feel better than ever before.

This involves:

  • Nourishing our bodies with nutritious food
  • Staying active and maintaining a regular exercise routine
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Managing stress

It also includes taking care of our mental and emotional well-being by:

By prioritizing self-care and embracing aging, we can enhance our overall well-being and radiate confidence. Embracing aging allows us to celebrate the beauty that comes with experience and wisdom. It's about embracing who we are and living our lives to the fullest.

5) Let’s normalize aging beautifully.

In our society, aging often has a negative connotation. Many people view it as something to be feared and avoided at all costs. This mindset has led to the popularity of antiaging language related to beauty, which is marketed as a way to reverse or slow down the aging process.

However, this focus on antiaging can be damaging and counterproductive. It implies that aging is inherently bad and something that needs to be fixed or hidden.


Woman getting facial for self-care


Instead, it's time to shift the societal narrative around aging and start normalizing the idea of aging beautifully. This means embracing our unique features, wrinkles, gray hairs, and all and celebrating the wisdom and experience that come with age. It's about accepting ourselves as we are and refusing to let societal standards dictate our worth. By embracing self-acceptance and self-expression, we can redefine beauty and inspire others to do the same.

Let's create a culture that values and respects aging as a natural and beautiful part of life.

6) No matter your age, your radiance comes from the inside out.

True radiance and beauty are not determined by age. It's not about the number of candles on your birthday cake but rather about the light that shines within you. Your radiance comes from cultivating inner peace, self-love, and confidence.

Journaling for self-care


Self-care is essential for nurturing your inner beauty. A holistic approach means caring for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By prioritizing self-care, you allow your inner radiance to shine through. This involves nourishing your body with nutritious food, staying active, getting enough rest, and managing stress.

As we age, it becomes even more important to focus on self-care and nurture ourselves from the inside out. By embracing your inner beauty, you can radiate joy, positivity, and self-assurance at any age. Your age never defines your worth and ability to shine. Remember, true radiance comes from within, and it's up to you to let it glow.

Keep moving forward

Let's focus on being "pro" instead of leading with "anti". Let's be pro self-care, pro wellness, and pro self-love. Acknowledge the wisdom gained from your experiences and the uniqueness that provides you

Woman enjoying coffee


Prioritize your self-care practices and recognize that you are continuously evolving. Keep moving forward while you age beautifully. Look ahead, look upward. There is a wealth of life, beauty, and wisdom within you to cherish and share with those around you.


Why should we stop calling self-care antiaging?

The term antiaging implies that aging is inherently bad and needs to be fixed or hidden. By shifting our perspective and language to self-care, we can embrace the natural process of aging and take care of ourselves holistically.

Why is aging not bad?

Aging is a natural part of life and should be celebrated. It is a transition from one stage of life to another and allows us to grow, learn, and evolve as individuals.

What are the benefits of aging?

Aging brings wisdom, insight, and awareness. With each passing year, we gain valuable life experiences and develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and others.

How can we look and feel our best as we age?

By embracing aging and practicing self-care, we can nourish our bodies with nutritious food, stay active, get enough sleep, manage stress, and care for our mental and emotional well-being.

Why should we normalize aging beautifully?

Normalizing aging means embracing our unique features, wrinkles, gray hairs, and all. It's about accepting ourselves as we are and redefining beauty based on self-acceptance and self-expression.

XO, All Glowing
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